The chaos virus is something that takes over individuals, a community, a country, the world. The chaos virus begins when we merge with defensiveness, greed, hatred, and fear. It becomes a time of division, survival, overwhelm, anger, and not knowing what is true or not true. It is fueled by the “self” and the illusion of separation. We have forgotten the Whole. We have forgotten interconnection.
You must prepare to be resilient and not get lost in anxiety, confusion, or fear. In times of chaos it’s about the “how” equally as the “what.” How do I conduct myself? You must give life your all even if there are no hope of results. In chaos there might be no results. You only have the “how.” Find your source of true courage and self-lessness.
During this time of chaos, you must also prepare to be spiritually aware, emotionally strong, and grounded in a power greater than yourself. This power could be love, God, the force of the universe, or some consciousness greater than yourself (scientists are now able to measure consciousness, and they know that it is a continuum and that humans might only be somewhere in range of that continuum). It is a greatly challenging time where we cannot merge with our own personal suffering. There is something more important, and it is the Whole. It is the Source.
If the chaos virus goes viral here are some things to remember:
1) Be aware of the chaos virus. Commit not to get lost in it or come under it’s spell.
2) Ground into your being, and connect fiercely to the deepest version of love that you know. Hold fast to love. No matter the storms of hate, or fear, or confusion. Do not be swayed from the force of love as you know it, in the center of your being. Love is all you are. It will bring you back home. It is all you ever do and are. Do not be confused by anything else. You are not pleasure or pain, success or loss, praise or blame. You are love. Please trust in this, even if you can’t feel it yet.
3) Call constantly upon the wisdom of nature, animals, the sun/moon/stars, the ancient ones/ancestors, chants, ceremonies, spirituality.
4) Do not merge with your thoughts or technology. Use your thoughts and technology as tools only. Your thoughts are not the essence of life. Technology, VR, internet are not reality. Put down your thoughts. Call upon the Great spirits. Call upon the Whole. Call upon your ancestors.
5) Do things that connect, connect, connect. Music, art, service, family, friends, community, food, gatherings, animals, children, hugs, nature, play. Connection is the doorway to wholeness and away from the disease of self.
6) Cultivate the “we” verses the “I.” Creating an illusion of a separate self, and then serving this illusion, is part of the virus of chaos. Develop an awareness of “I.” Know when you are lost in “I, me and mine” thinking. Move from “I” sight to “We” sight. Start thinking about your life as part of the well-being of all.
7) Become a living prayer. Make your mind, body, and spirit a constant prayer for all beings. This is the way to break the illusion of self. Think in terms of the whole world. Dedicate every thought, every action, every emotion to the well-being of all.
8) Practice deep meditation. Do retreats. Dig deep. Soul search. Know what is most important, no matter what.
9) Stay sober. Clean up your life. Stay away from addictions: alcohol, drugs, overeating, internet, consumerism, gambling, workaholism, pornography, gaming, and thought addictions. You will need a heart that is clean and clear. As things get more chaotic you will see more people getting lost in addictions. Be the person that lights the way rather someone who is lost in the pain.
10) Develop empathy, compassion, kindness, love. Keep increasing your capacity for these emotions, even as times get difficult. Do not succumb to the prevailing attitudes of others. Do not be afraid of your own suffering. Let it fuel for an even more loving heart in yourself.
11) Zen master Bankei’s advice from centuries ago is useful for the chaos virus now: “Do not sell your unborn nature to fear.” “See into others’ hearts with your birthless eyes and to sense what is binding them.” Rest in the Heart.