“Everything is love in disguise.” Amita
Here is a Spiritual Credo to help you be a spiritual warrior during challenging and changing times. November 2021.
Fires of Change Amita Schmidt – Summary
Highlights of “Fire of Change” Dharma Talk, October 2021. (Compiled by Shawn Comrie, Cape Town South Africa, Buddhist Sangha)
Writing 2020 Pandemic Coronavirus
A short article written for Adyashanti.
Ancient Hawaiian Internal Family Principles
Hawaiian Internal Family Principles by Abraham Kawai'i
Anxiety Affirmations
Old Age Samurai
Waiting for the Tsunami
Fierce Surrender: Lyme Disease article
Fierce Surrender: Seven Teachings for Chronic Pain and Lyme Disease
Healing Trauma with Meditation
Buddhist Meditation and Trauma
An article outlining 10 steps for working with trauma on meditation retreats. May this help Buddhist practitioners who experience trauma learn to use the dharma wisely.
The Three Buddhist Personality Types
Short version of my article and quiz: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elana-miller-md/personality-types_b_4125852.html
Original Personality Types longer version article below for download: Buddhist Personality Types
Which Buddhist Personality Type Are You?
Mindfulness for Depression article