Each cell in your body is a hologram. Each cell is a hologram for all that is, was, or will be. If you want to see the origin of the universe get quiet, really quiet. And then feel the breath in your body or pay attention to the subtle movement of your hand. It’s this simple and this deep.
I once worked with an aboriginal elder in Australia who told me this about listening:
“When I hold a leaf I can tell you exactly what it is used for in the body, what it’s medicine is. People say, ‘Oh, that’s because your elders told you this.’ But I say to them, ‘No, what happens is I pick up the leaf and I hold it. I hold it and listen. And eventually the leaf itself tells me what it’s medicine is.’ Elders don’t tell us what the leaf is used for. Elders teach us how to listen. We listen to the direct communication of the cells of the leaf.”
If you know how to listen cellularly, it’s as if you are connected to a giant computer that knows all of existence. Your rational mind will think this is bogus. But cellular knowledge is direct, non linear and not cognitive (although later it might be reflected upon cognitively). I’ve noticed with a number of true healers, they will not discuss anything personal or important over the phone or internet. They want to meet face to face under a tree. Why? Because transformational change happens body to body in communion with nature.
We are in an era of visual knowledge and virtual reality. And yet, in a sort of cosmic joke, the ultimate connection you seek “out there” is in the body here, now. The cells of your body are portals. Learn how to listen to your subtle kinesthetic body. Brain cell, toe cell, hair cell all are equal. Pay attention to the hologram of this very breath, this movement of your hand, the cells in your knees and toes. They have something to tell you. They are whispering the key to all that is. Don’t try to think about it. Just feel. Learn to feel all of who you are. Put your hands in the earth. Look at the night sky full of stars. Notice the sensations of your body. This is your way home.